Aiding fellow survivors recovery through my experience Since 2021

The Bjorndahl Foundation For Traumatic Brain Injury is my drive to raise charitable donations for inpatient/outpatient therapies as well as recreational therapies for Fellow Brain Injury, Concussion and Stroke Survivors for Recuperation. Recovery never ends please, donate today. 

The Bjorndahl Foundation For Traumatic Brain Injury was founded and run by the survivor himself with other high functioning survivors and overseen by board members and local officials.  

Save The Brain Campaign  is  A NON WAIVER PROGRAM To Enrich Neurological Brain Effected Survivors/Families to Grow Unity in Our Community. 

I am Brad Bjorndahl, growing up I always gave into peer pressure and sometimes took it a step further, I was very mechanically inclined and was always fixing the neighborhoods small engine machines. The time came I could buy my own dirt bike and I give it the works, I bored it out installed a race carburetor and exhaust. Two months or so after that I would always ride in my neighborhood going from the north trails to the south trails passing through the development. On March 30th, 2004 it all began after I wiped out into a mailbox face first and flew into a tree. No one found me for around ten minutes, then luckily someone stopped and saw that I was unconscious and choking on my three teeth, they gave me a hole to breath and saved my life. I was medevacked to Stony Brook University Hospital with a Glasgow coma scale of a 3 on my PCR.  Police knocked on my door and told my mother their son was a catastrophic accident and was air lifted to Stony Brook Level 1 Trauma hospital. Their top trauma Doctors told my parents your son is not going to make it overnight and if so he will not wake from his coma, my parents knew I was a fighter and told them "He will make it". Following morning the Doctors then said he could progress to a vegetative state, but the odds are not with him. My parents and family stood by my side and witnessed my intense facial re-construction. Time was up at Stony Brook Hospital and options were few and far until my primary physician told my parents that St. Charles Rehabilitation Hospital has a Traumatic Brain Injury/Coma Stimulation Program, and I was transferred there after one month From the Code Bat Trauma Bay to Surgical Intensive Care Unit at Stony Brook To Their ICU. From one ICU to the Next ICU now, in pediatrics ICU. The net bed, the alarms on me, I can remember them all. My Mother remembers seeing my eyes randomly open for the first time 3 months in. My rehabilitation is in full force now, I am still in a Coma and they are working me with all the physical therapies you can imagine. Bringing all the scents of oil gas and that was no second nature to me being my past. I picked my nose months after the stimulation persisted, I am back.  Retaught everything as a newborn I succeeded rapidly with my daily therapies  and soon was receiving tutoring to eventually re-enter school. The words "No or I can't" Never even crossed my mind because my drive was life and what is more beautiful than life? I kept giving it my 100 Percent with my large family and friends in full support. The day has come, I am discharged from St. Charles Rehabilitation Hospital to go live back at home, yes that's true how blessed I am, I entered and eventually volunteered with the Community Re-Entry Program at St. Charles Hospital and went weekdays for months, I actually volunteered with the Community Re-entry programs director, my spirits are up because of all the loving support is with me. The Community Re-entry program was structured very well and I admired that and pledged to help as I volunteered alongside the director. As all of that is going on my parents were also meeting with the school administration and physiologist getting ready for me to go back to school I was so thrilled. I reentered in the special education program which worked well with me being my occupational and physical limitations. In 2006 I graduated on time with my regents and furthered my education with a Bachelor’s of Science from St Josephs College right around the same time I was awarded The Josephine McCarthy award at St.  Charles Hospital for all my striving achievements and drive, truly a dream come true. This is not about me, it's all about aiding fellow survivors recovery through my experience.

Hi there! I am Brad Bjorndahl and yes, I was medevacked GCS3, my parents were told and prepared for the worst from the top Trauma Doctors at a level 1 Hospital. I battled my way here. In a coma for 5 months, they rebuilt my whole face and I was retaught everything as a newborn. With years and years of ongoing therapies and surgeries, I completed my education with a bachelor’s of science 12 years after my TBI. Drive got me here and now it’s my drive to help fellow survivors through all therapeutic & recreational means.                                      Proudly a nonprofit federal tax exempt charity 501(c)(3).

Our foundation pays it forward to every amenity where I Brad, has advanced my recovery from and continue furthering fellow survivors recovery (including other like places).

With Love,

Brad Bjorndahl

Always 100% of proceeds toward aiding fellow survivors recovery.

A Genuine Extra Layer Of Support



 The J is not silent but the BJ Next to ORN is phonetically Pronounced As [BYAWN]  And Together Sounds Like The Byawndahl Foundation For Traumatic Brain Injury

Survivor-Founded And Run: Our Mission is to provide Assistance to Fellow Brain Injury Survivors. Solidarity with Gratitude answers it all. We seek to raise the needs for fellow survivors advancing their recovery.